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My name’s Adrian. In my role as Managing Director of Inck I have had the privilege of working with some of the world’s biggest brands. As a national board member for APPA and having witnessed many unexpected safety issues in my time, I am passionate about product safety and actively driving better education within the industry.

Because, let’s be honest – there is no faster way to discredit your brand than by supplying poorly made and potentially unsafe products.

Product safety may be boring, but the guide we have put together is not. Based on our years of experience, it will make sure your brand gets noticed for the right reasons and your reputation remains squeaky.

If you have any questions or would like to chat further, feel free to get in touch with myself or one of the Inck team today!

Stay safe,


– Managing Director, Inck Merchandise

P: 02 9360 5758
M: 0418 277 241