Whilst, it might be a while until we are racking up our frequent flyer points again, I love the innovation being explored to lessen the impact.
Did you know that 5.7-million tonnes of cabin waste is created by air travel alone? The Zero Eco Meal Tray Concept was a finalist for the Crystal Cabin Award 2020. It has been crafted using materials that are biodegradable, compostable and edible. Props for the slick, modern design too!
This idea is perfect for backpackers and travellers on the move! Beantown’s Laundry-Free Linens can be used for a few days or a few week’s and then simply thrown away.These innovative eco-disposable bed sheets are made from super-soft botanic materials, biodegrade quickly, are responsibly sourced and save water by saying farewell to laundering. Thread count snobs need not apply!
Amenity kits are not something most of us give much thought to, until we realise we forgot our toothbrush or want to add some bubbles to our hotel bath. In an effort to encourage hotels to transition to a circular economy, the Green box allows guests to help hotels compost and recycle items in a controlled environment. Made from compostable plastic, it encourages guests to dispose of their waste responsibly using a colour coded system -green for compostable and white for general waste. Another win for the war on single-use plastics.
Here at Inck, we embrace ethical sourcing and helping our client’s find better, smarter, more responsible choices. Give us a call today and let’s help create promotional merchandise your client’s will want to KEEP.
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