The Inck Spot

Helping you navigate the world of branded merchandise. One blog at a time.
An old TV set with nostalgic objects on the screen.

The awesome power of nostalgia in marketing

Sometimes, being forward-thinking means taking a look back and revisiting the biggest products and moments of yesteryear. Nostalgia-themed marketing works! It taps into the sentimental value of past experiences and…
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can promo merch be too successful

Can promo merch be TOO successful?

While the idea of creating branded merchandise that is in huge demand might sound ideal, some promotional campaigns have backfired for being TOO successful. Let’s look at a few examples…
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Guide to Merchandise Lingo

The INCK Guide to Merchandise Lingo

Looking to create a range of branded merchandise for your business? Been asked to source some cool creative products for an upcoming activation? If it’s not something you have a…
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